About digital vignette

Slovenian vignette

A digital vignette or e-vignette is an online form of a traditional sticker that used to be placed on the vehicle’s windshield. The requirement of a vignette most often applies to motor vehicles with a total weight not exceeding 3.5 t. Every vignette country has its own list of roads subject to toll fees.

The introduction of digital vignettes has eliminated the need to put any physical stickers on the windscreen and produce sticky residues. Instead, a driver who buys a vignette online needs to provide all essential information which is next stored in the online system. Thanks to the cameras located across the country, it is possible to perform a vignette control remotely.

The buying process of a vignette can be completed online in no time. The confirmation of the vignette purchase is delivered to the driver’s email address.

Certain countries can offer different vignette types that vary in terms of duration. Typically, the vignettes are sold with the validity of one week, one month, or one year.

How does a digital vignette system work?

A digital vignette system works in a very similar way to traditional vignette stickers. There is one difference between digital and traditional vignettes. Namely, an e-vignette is automatically linked to the license plates, while a physical vignette is assigned to a particular vehicle.

After completing the vignette buying process, a driver can start using the vignette as soon as they receive a confirmation email.

Failure to obtain an e-vignette (or a physical sticker if possible) can result in legal consequences, including heavy fines.

Countries where you can use a digital vignette

The digital vignette system is well-known across Europe. The following European countries have already introduced e-vignettes:

  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic
  • Hungary
  • Moldova
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Switzerland

How to buy a vignette online

The vignette buying process consists of three simple steps, which are the same no matter the country you plan to drive in. You should start by selecting the vignette country and one type of vignette that best suits your driving needs. Next, you will only need to follow these steps:

  1. Provide necessary details: Enter crucial information, such as the vehicle’s license plate number and registration country, and also select the start date of your vignette.
  2. Pay the service fee: After providing all the required information, choose one of the available options for online payment and cover the fee.
  3. Receive your e-vignette: Once your payment has been processed, make sure to refresh your email inbox and download the vignette confirmation message.

Note: Most vignette countries don’t require printing out the confirmation of the purchased e-vignette. Since a vignette system is fully digitalized, the control system can easily verify all the vehicles using toll roads. To ensure a smooth road trip, you can save a vignette confirmation on your electronic device.

Benefits of using an e-vignette system

  • Environmental protection: As the purchasing process is 100% online, no plastic or glue needs to be used to produce a vignette.
  • Convenient purchase: Digital vignettes are available for purchase 24/7, which is very convenient for buyers who can complete the process from any place in the world.
  • Immediate activation: A vignette becomes active immediately after the ordering process is finalized; no cooling-off period applies.
  • Flexibility: Digital vignettes are assigned to license plates, not to particular vehicles.
  • Peace of mind: The entire process can be completed before entering the roads subject to a toll in a given country, so there is no risk of fines for driving without an active vignette.